Tips for Leaving Home or Traveling with Hearing Devices

No matter the size of your trip, you will likely need to pack your hearing aids – and that doesn’t need to be a hassle. You can keep your devices in ideal shape with a little bit of planning ahead of time. Before leaving on your trip, read through the following list and give us a call if you have any questions.

Hearing Aid/Device “To-Do’s” Before You Leave

Once you have packed the necessities like clothes and toiletries, you can start to put together your hearing aid kit. That kit should include:

  • Your hearing aid case and dryer
  • Extra batteries (for non-rechargeable hearing aids)
  • Charger (for rechargeable hearing aids)
  • Hearing aid cleaning kit
  • Domes and wax guards
  • Your devices’ instruction manual

Don’t forget any other accessories you use each day and can’t live without!

By Plane, by Car, by Train – Specific Hearing Device Ideas

Here are some tips for some more specific modes of transportation. These can help you take advantage of your device’s features while traveling, and will allow you to be able to focus on the sounds around you.

  • Air Travel – Typically you can leave your hearing aids in when you go through security, unless otherwise instructed by airport staff. Also, most airports in the country feature loop systems that work with your hearing aid to allow you to hear important announcements clearly. You can also sign up for text messages with airlines that will send you alerts for gate changes and delays. Try to keep your hearing aids in while you’re on the plane so you’re always aware of your surroundings.
  • Road Travel – When you are in a vehicle, as a driver or a passenger, you should always wear your hearing aids. Also keeping your windows up will help keep any outside noise, outside! A general rule of thumb is to keep noisy distractions to a minimum. Loud music and loud passengers will make the driver less attentive, and can be detrimental in arriving safely to your location.
  • Train or Subway – Public transit, like a bus or train, doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Like an airport, most of these also take advantage of using loop systems. By mapping out your route beforehand and buying your tickets online, you can start your journey feeling confident and ready.

Upon Arrival

When looking for a hotel room, you should request a hearing-accessible room if your needs require. By law, most hotels are required to set aside a certain number of rooms outfitted with visual notification devices (for fire and emergency alarms), telephone amplifiers, and TDDs. We advise calling ahead if you want to request these services.

Don’t Forget to Power Up

When you are ready to go, remember that your hearing loss never has to hold you back from enjoying your trip. No matter where you are traveling to, remember to keep your hearing aids charged and ready to go. Oticon’s new SmartCharger is small, portable, and designed specifically for travel. It gives you three full charges without an outlet. And the charging case keeps your Oticon More™ devices dry and protected.

Before you leave for trip, make sure your hearing aids are properly packed. It can throw a real wrench into your plans if they are forgotten. If you have any additional questions or concerns prior to your trip, Hope Hearing & Tinnitus Center would love to help you out.